Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Fruits And Vegetables A Healthy Choice

Most people know that eating fruits and vegetable are good for your health. Yet many people still do not eat enough of fruits and vegetables. Experts say that everyone should get at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Increasing your vegetable and fruit intake will boost your health, you can also lose weight.

You might think 5 serving or even 9 serving is a lot to ask for. But you should still try your best to achieve the goal because after all you are doing if...

Most people know that eating fruits and vegetable are good for your health. Yet many people still do not eat enough of fruits and vegetables. Experts say that everyone should get at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Increasing your vegetable and fruit intake will boost your health, you can also lose weight.

You might think 5 serving or even 9 serving is a lot to ask for. But you should still try your best to achieve the goal because after all you are doing if for yourself and your loved ones. Here is list of things you can eat for 1 serving to help you out. 

A medium fruit or vegetable, for example an orange, apple or banana will be one serving. So will two small fruits, such as kiwi or plums. 5 cup of fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables. * cup of 100% juice will do the trick as well. And other options could be * cup of dried fruit or a cup of green salad. These are ides that will get you started. 

Many studies have proven that a diet full of fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of some cancers, heart disease and other chronic diseases and conditions. 

Antioxidant vitamins can be found in many fruits and vegetables, such as vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C. Not only that, but fruits are also a source of dietary fibre. 

Many people may not know but not only do citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits have a great source of vitamin C, they are also a good source for fibre. 

The list goes on and on for the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables. The bottom line is to just try and add fruits and vegetables to your diet if you have not already. And if you have, to keep eating them and eat as much of them as you can.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Vita Plus in Guyabano, Dalandan and Melon

First Vita Plus is Packed with POWER HERBS 

To meet your daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, anti-oxidant, and immunity enhancing phytochemicals.

  • GUYABANO -  Your natural cancer-fighting vitamin-in-a-drink! The soursop or the fruit from the Graviola tree is said to be miraculous cancer killer. and unlike normal cancer treatment, the compound extracted from the graviola tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. First Vita Plus' guyabano variant is best for those fighting cancer because it naturally strengthens and fights the harmful cells! 

  • DALANDAN- Discover the benefits of a unique vitamin-in-a-drink in a refreshing and thirst-quenching dalandan ( Philippine Orange) flavor. Aside from its power packed goodness, this vitamin is unlike any other because it tastes great, leaving no bitter taste or medicinal aftertaste. All you need is a sachet a day to keep you energy going and your body protected against common sickness and stress. Millions sold worldwide.

First Vita Plus in Dalandan

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oh it's a Miracle! Touch by the Healing Wonders of First Vita Plus

So full of Life

We, at the First Vita Plus Miracle Team Cebu are proud to share to you the goodness and the gift of good health, wellness and well-being through these inspiring stories. And see for yourself  how the life of   these people were change for the better. Definitely a gift of good health and see how your faith can make a difference.   


                        RENATO CAYANAN, JR.

Nutritional Benefits of First Vita Plus

Do you know that there are nutritional benefits that you can get from this vegetable in a drink???

Yes, in fact there are lots of benefits and these are



- Anti-Aging

- Regulates bowel movement, good for digestion, cleanses digestive 


- Cleans urinary, circulatory, and digestive system

- Maintains normal blood pressure.

- Remedy for asthma, arthritis, insomnia, cardiovascular problems,  
    nervousness, cardiovascular problems, skin problems, depression

- Enhances immunity against diseases

- Maintains and enhances your health, wellness and well-being

- Rebuild weak bones

- Good for treating heavy menstrual periods, Menstrual cramps

- Rectal bleeding

- Good for diabetic patients

- Good recovery for patients suffering from strokes.

- Good substitute for persons not eating vegetables or fruits.

- Good for the Skin and Eyes, for varicose veins.

- Good expectorant for getting rid of phlegm

- Removes toxins from the body, helps prevents ulcer.

- Remedy for Fever, Nausea, Stomach distress.

- Convalescence ( gradual return to good health after an illness or medical
    treatment or the period spent recovering ).

- Aactericide ( destroys bacteria )

- Remedy for colds, fever, nausea, runny nose.

- Aphrodisiac ( something that arouses or intensifies sexual desire ).

- Tonic ( to feel stronger, more energetic, and generally healthier )

- Diuretic ( causing increased flow of urine )

- Good for Urinary tract infection (UTI)

- Liver disorder remedy

 Nourishes Breast Fed babies, Lactagogue (Increases the flow of breast
    milk for woman)

- Helps fight and prevent Cancer.

The 5 Power Herbs


Moringa Oleifera is planted throughout the Philippines in settled areas at low and medium altitudes. Scientific research has proven that these humble leaves are in fact a powerhouse of nutritional value. It can help rebuild weak bones, help enrich anemic blood and aid in the nourishment of breastfeeding babies. Ounce per ounce, it has the calcium of four glasses of milk, the vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of three bananas.


Capsicum Frutescens

Capsicum frutescens is found throughout the Philippines plated here and there about dwellings but also thoroughly established in open, waste places in settles areas. Its fruit is a popular condiment. The leaves are used as vegetable; an excellent source of calcium and iron, a good source of phosphorus and vitamins A and B. It is an important gastrointestinal deoxidant and also serves as a stimulant, digestive, rubefacient, stomachic, sialagogue, alterative, antispasmodic, febrifugue and depurative. Nutritional Value Pungent principle, capsaicin; solanine; vitamin A and B; citric acid; palmitic acid; capsicin; oleoresin; volatile and fixed oils; pentosans, 8.28%; pectin, 3.2%. 

The Vision of First Vita Plus


First Vita Plus Marketing corporation brings to you herb, fruit and mineral based products that are packed with high quality ingredients and formulated to care for your health naturally. Our product are great tasting, energy producing, easy to drink and nutritious. They are free from harsh chemicals and preservatives that are harmful to the body. These are tested by a team of scientists to ensure the freshness of our herbs and the adherence to the highest manufacturing standards in the industry.

We want to give you the best natural protection against sickness and stress that is why our herbs are potently combined, infused with vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, anti-oxidants and immunity enhancing phytochemicals.

Best of all, we are promoting locally grown and sourced herbs. This is consistent with our advocacy to support the use of Philippines traditional herbs and alternative medicine. We are confident that this increased awareness will generate livelihood among our farmers and it will further inspire our scientists and experts to maximize the healing wonders of Philippine herbs.

We live in a busy world and many of us take our health for granted first. First Vita Plus is reaching out to you, because we have made health care accessible, affordable and convenient. All it takes is a drink or a meal a day and you will notice the natural energy that can only come from our power herbs

First Vita Plus is here to present natural health care solutions that will nurture your body naturally. We have a wide variety of products to choose from, that will give you the vita power and energy.