Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Vita Plus in Guyabano, Dalandan and Melon

First Vita Plus is Packed with POWER HERBS 

To meet your daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, anti-oxidant, and immunity enhancing phytochemicals.

  • GUYABANO -  Your natural cancer-fighting vitamin-in-a-drink! The soursop or the fruit from the Graviola tree is said to be miraculous cancer killer. and unlike normal cancer treatment, the compound extracted from the graviola tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. First Vita Plus' guyabano variant is best for those fighting cancer because it naturally strengthens and fights the harmful cells! 

  • DALANDAN- Discover the benefits of a unique vitamin-in-a-drink in a refreshing and thirst-quenching dalandan ( Philippine Orange) flavor. Aside from its power packed goodness, this vitamin is unlike any other because it tastes great, leaving no bitter taste or medicinal aftertaste. All you need is a sachet a day to keep you energy going and your body protected against common sickness and stress. Millions sold worldwide.

First Vita Plus in Dalandan

  • MELON- Another vitamin-in-a-drink breakthrough in sweet melon(cantaloupe) flavor. It is sweet and juicy and it keeps you active and refreshed the whole day! It is packed with the same power herbs that give you a boost of vitamins, minerals,, micro-nutrients, anti-oxidants and immunity-enhancing phytochemicals. You will never find a vitamin this yummy!
First Vita Plus in Melon

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